„People on the Move- Feministische Perspektiven auf Flucht und Ankommen“: Veranstaltungsreihe von Refugee Law Clinic Göttingen e.V. (SoSe 2022)
Link zur Anmeldung: https://forms.gle/pCmscm93iV6j5wKs5

Who: International Women* Space e. V und Refugee Law Clinic Göttingen e.V.
Wann: 05.07.2022 (Tuesday) von 19:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Wo: Göttingen University, Verfügungsgebäude Raum: 1.103
Language: English
We as the Refugee Law Clinic Göttingen would like to invite you to the last of our events this semester. So far during our event series under the title „People On the Move – Feministische Perspektiven auf Flucht und Ankommen“ (= feminist perspectives on flight and arrival) we have had three wonderful speeches. First, we heard about “Gender-Based Persecution and Refugee Recognition – A Feminist Critique with Spotlight Afghanistan”. Then we got informed about the Istanbul Convention and how it helps women and LGBTQIA+ persons on the move. On World Refugee Day we learnt from the BiPlus Collective Göttingen about gender and sexual orientation and the need of protection of LGBTI refugees.
At the end of the event series, we will hold a hybrid conference with the International Women* Space about forms of activism. The International Women Space (IWS) is a feminist, anti-racist political group in Berlin with migrant and refugee women and non-migrant women as members. They fight patriarchy and document everyday violence, racism, sexism and all kinds of discrimination. Two representatives of the IWS will talk with us about their projects, including three books in which women refugees and migrants tell their stories, starting from fleeing repressive systems until arriving in Germany, facing a different repressive system and lots of racism.
The conference will take place next Tuesday, 5th July at 7pm.
We in Göttingen will meet personally, but also possible online under the link:
The conference will be held in English. If necessary we will provide a translation into German. Please let us know in advance.