Unfortunately, we are not able to offer open consultation hours due to the coronavirus until further notion. You can contact us via the contact form.
Legal advice
As part of our activity, we offer those seeking help free legal advice and other assistance. Our work is limited to the out-of-court legal advice in asylum and immigration law as well as in the fields of labor law and social law, insofar as these are related to asylum and immigration law. For help seekers there is also the possibility of a long-term and thus also closer supervision. In such a case, the legal advisers, acting as attorneys, will represent the interests in the administrative procedure. However, the organisation „Refugee Law Clinic Göttingen e.V.“ does not consider itself to be, in no case, a substitute for the legal service. We rather try by our activities to help those seeking help – especially those who cannot afford an attorney’s counseling – to provide access to legal advice free of charge and thus equal opportunities between the assistance-seekers and the government agencies involved.
How? – We offer migrants, especially asylum seekers and refugees, cost-free legal advice in asylum and immigration law as well as in the fields of labor and social law. You are welcome to come to contact us via the contact form or our e-mail (E-Mail: beratung@rlc-goettingen.de).
What? – We also help with information on the process of the asylum procedure, hearing of the applications, family reunification, prospects of stay, deportations, the Dublin procedures, naturalizations, information on lawsuits, questions on social law (AsylbLG, SGB II, SGB XII) and questions on labor law.
Where? – We currently offer our legal consultation at two locations:
Consultation Office City Göttingen:
General Student Committee (AStA) of
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Goßlerstraße 16a
37073 Göttingen
E-Mail: beratung@rlc-goettingen.de
Consultation Office Region Göttingen:
Welfenstraße 5
34346 Hann. Münden
E-Mail: fluechtlingsberatung@kirchenkreis-muenden.de
Tel: 05541 701 902 -21 /-2